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Interaction between waves and a comb-type breakwater


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2003-01-01


Included Journals:SCIE、ISTIC



Page Number:517-526

ISSN No.:0890-5487

Key Words:comb-type breakwater; physical model; wave force; wave reflection

Abstract:The characteristics of wave transmission, reflection and energy dissipation of comb-type caisson breakwaters are studied through laboratory physical model tests. Regular and irregular waves, with a wide range of wave heights and periods and a constant water depth, are considered. Different dimensions of each portion of the comb-type caisson breakwater are tested. Empirical formulae for calculating the reduction coefficient k, which is the ratio of horizontal wave force on unit length of the comb-type breakwater to that on unit length of the vertical wall breakwater, and for calculating the reflection coefficient of waves k, are obtained from the measurements. The comb-type caisson breakwater has been found to be very efficient in dissipating incident wave energy and in reducing wave reflection, and has already been used for the construction of an island breakwater in the Dayao Bay of Dalian Port, Liaoning Province, China. Compared with the cost of a common caisson breakwater, about 24.5% of the investment has been saved owing to the use of this comb-type breakwater.

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