Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2019-01-01
Journal:Computer-Aided Design and Applications
Included Journals:EI
Page Number:539-557
ISSN No.:16864360
Key Words:Data structures; Mesh generation; Semantics, Comprehensive performance; High time efficiency; Mesh representation; Neighborhood queries; Topological data structure; Topological relations; Topological representation; Triangle mesh, Topology
Abstract:A comprehensive and compact topological representation is necessary for information processing of complex triangle meshes. In this paper, a novel object-oriented face-based topological data structure for triangle mesh representation is presented. In the presented model, the face, vertex, and topological relations between them are explicitly defined and the edges are implicitly represented in the sequence of storing vertices, which makes full use of the semantic relations among faces, edges, and vertices. Compared with other popular half-edge data structures, the memory consumption is reduced. In addition, by using object-oriented properties and virtual triangles, the presented model can uniformly represent and process manifold and non-manifold triangle meshes. The topological relations represented in this model are discussed and an algorithm for one-ring neighborhood queries is provided. A method to construct this topological model from STL files is presented, which shows this model can be constructed effectively and efficiently. Finally, an evaluation and discussion on the memory consumption, time performance, and comprehensive performance of this model are provided, which demonstrate that the presented model can represent and process triangle meshes with less memory footprint, high time efficiency, and high flexibility and extensibility. © 2019 CAD Solutions, LLC.