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Paper Publications
Simultaneous synthesis of structural-constrained heat exchanger networks with and without stream splits

Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2013-05-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus



Page Number:830-842

ISSN No.:0008-4034

Key Words:simultaneous synthesis; heat exchanger network; stream splits; genetic algorithm; particle swarm optimisation

Abstract:This paper presents a comprehensive simultaneous synthesis approach based on stage-wise superstructure to design cost-optimal heat exchanger network (HEN). It is well known that the simultaneous synthesis model has very complicated mixed integer nonlinear programming formulations, which are non-convex, non-continuous and have many local optima. Up till now, it cannot be expected that an algorithm can find, in polynomial time, the global solution to the simultaneous synthesis problem of HEN. In order to reduce computational complexity, some simplified assumptions for structures, such as no stream splits, stream splits with isothermal mixing, no stream split flowing through more than one exchanger, etc, are adopted to prune the search space at the expense of neglecting certain important alternatives in the network configuration. In this work, a flexible stage-wise superstructure is proposed to control the solution performance and search space efficiently. At each stage of the superstructure, with or without stream splits is determined at random or by the experience of designers. In this way, various candidate series and split network designs featuring the lowest annual cost can be found. Moreover, an efficient two-level optimisation algorithm is employed for solving the presented model utilising genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimisation algorithm. Three case studies are presented to show the applicability of the proposed methodology. In addition, the results show that the new approach is able to find more economical networks than those generated by other methods. (c) 2012 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Alma Mater:大连理工大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree


Discipline:Thermal Engineering. Chemical Engineering. Operation Research and Control Theory

Business Address:大连理工大学能源与动力学院712室

Contact Information:电话:13940865971 邮箱:hcyin@dlut.edu.cn


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