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Numerical simulation for non-uniform PtCo catalyst degradation under different coolant conditions and its effect on PEMFC performance


Date of Publication:2024-05-16

Journal:International Journal of Hydrogen Energy


Page Number:965-980

ISSN No.:0360-3199

Key Words:Binary alloys; Catalyst degradation; Catalysts; Cathodes; Co2+ contamination; Cobalt alloys; Coolant conditions; Degradation model; Fuel cell performance; Non-uniform catalysts; PEM fuel cell; Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC); Proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks; Proton-exchange membranes fuel cells; Ptco catalysts; Reaction rates

Pre One:Pore-Scale Simulation of Tortuosity in the Catalyst Layer of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

Next One:Numerical simulation for non-uniform PtCo catalyst degradation under constant voltage condition and its impact on PEMFC performance