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Quadratic programming method in numerical simulation of metal forming process


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2002-12-06


Included Journals:Scopus、SCIE、EI



Page Number:5555-5578

ISSN No.:0045-7825

Key Words:parametric variational principle; contact algorithm; quadratic programming; elastic-plastic FEM

Abstract:In this paper, a quadratic programming (QP) model based on a parametric variational principle is proposed for elastic-plastic (EP) finite element analysis of metal forming processes. The contact problem with friction between blank and tools is treated in the same way as in plastic analysis. The penalty factors, which are normally introduced into the algorithm for contact analysis, have a direct influence on accuracy of solution. There is no available rule for choosing a reasonable value of these factors for simulation of metal forming, and they are therefore cancelled through a special technique so that the numerical results can be of high accuracy. The algorithms for contact analysis and plastic analysis are established in one frame and consistent with each other. Compared with the conventional EP FEM, the newly developed method requires no tedious iterative procedures, and has no convergence problems. To apply this method easily to simulation of metal forming, detailed forms of some key matrices or vectors for 2D FEM and 3D FEM are presented, and a parametric loading algorithm for the QP model is developed, which is suitable for QP problem with free variables, and can decrease memory cost by avoiding the introduction of additional slack variables and improve the solution efficiency to some extent. Finally the proposed QP model is validated by two examples, analysis of V-notched tension test and analysis of the drawing of a square box-one of the benchmarks proposed at NUMISHEET93. It can be seen that the accuracy of solution of the new EP FEM based on QP is better than that of the conventional EP FEM based on iteration. To make the new EP FEM more applicable to metal forming industries, It is necessary to develop a more efficient QP algorithm that is suitable for large-scale problems. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

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