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Numerical wave flume based on second order wavemaker theory


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2017-06-25

Included Journals:EI


Page Number:455-460

Abstract:The numerical wave flume using first order wavemaker theory has been well established and widely used for a long time. But the existing numerical models based on the first order wave-maker theory will lose accuracy as the nonlinear effects enhance. Because of the different propagation velocities of the spurious harmonic waves and the primary waves, the simulated waves with the first order wave-maker theory have an unstable wave profile. In this paper, a numerical wave flume with piston-type wave maker is established. The comparison of the surface elevation using first order and second order wave-maker theory proves that second order wave-maker theory can make stable wave profile in both temporally and spatially. Harmonic analysis is applied to prove the superiority of second order wave-maker theory. Copyright © 2017 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).

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