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Improvements on mean free wave surface Modeling


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2002-01-01


Included Journals:Scopus、SCIE、ISTIC



Page Number:549-560

ISSN No.:0890-5487

Key Words:mean free surface; radiation stress; wave breaker index; limiting wave steepness; stream function wave theory

Abstract:Some new results of the modeling of mean free surface of waves or wave set-up are presented. The stream function wave theory is applied to incident short waves. The limiting wave steepness is adopted as the wave breaker index in the calculation of wave breaking dissipation. The model is based on Roelvink (1993), but the numerical techniques used in the solution are based on the Weighted-Average Flux (WAF) method (Watson et al., 1992), with Time-Operator-Splitting (TOS) used for the treatment of the source terms. This method allows a small number of computational points to be used, and is particularly efficient in modeling wave set-up. The short wave (or incident primary wave) energy equation is solved by use of a traditional Lax-Wendroff technique. The present model is found to be satisfactory compared with the measurements conducted by Stive (1983).

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