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学科:投资学. 管理科学与工程
- [41]Chen, Zhengsheng, 秦学志.Pricing BDS based on distorted Copulas functions[A],International Conference on MultiMedia and Information Technology,2022,771-774
- [42]尚勤, 秦学志.Pricing Catastrophe Mortality Bonds under Stochastic Dependence[A],2nd International Conference on Financial Risk and Corporate Financial Management,2022,252-255
- [43]尚勤, 秦学志.Pricing Longevity Risks under the Multivariate Stochastic Process with Tranche Techniques[A],17th International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE),2022,1158-1163
- [44]迟国泰, 秦学志, 王雪华.Pricing model on interest rate of risk loan[A],International Conference on Management Science and Engineering,2022,689-694
- [45]Zhou, Yingying, 秦学志, 尚勤, Liu, Zhen.Reduced credit risk measurement model with particle filter approach[A],3rd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2008),2022,203-+
- [46]秦学志.Reduced Credit Risk Measurement Model with Particle Filtering Approach[A],2008 3rd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications conference,2022,203-207
- [47]Cao, Zhanzhong, 秦学志.Research on the RMB Index from the Perspective of Financial Security[A],2nd International Conference on Industrial Economics System and Industrial Security Engineering (IEIS),2022,127-134
- [48]秦学志, 徐雨森, 陆琪, 王秀兰.Retesting the existence, relativity and convergence of energy curse: An empirical test based on t...[A],3rd International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy System, NEFES 2018,2022,188(1)
- [49]秦学志.Role of Financial Development in Economic Growth: Evidence from Savings and Credits Cooperative S...[J],International Journal of Financial Research,2022,4(2):115-125
- [50]尚勤, 秦学志.Securitization of catastrophe mortality risk using gumbel Copula and tranche methods[J],ICIC Express Letters Part B Applications,2022,1(2):215-219
- [51]秦学志, 尚勤.Securitization of longevity risk in pension annuities[A],2008 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2008,2022
- [52]Sun, Xiaolin, 秦学志, Zhou, Yingying.Study on credit risk prediction of listed companies in China[A],3rd international Conference on Risk Management and Global e-Business,2022,148-153
- [53]王宁, Xie Xiaoshan, 李慧, 王雪华, 秦学志.Survey of Application and Research on Government Cloud Computing In China[A],IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT),2022,140-143
- [54]秦学志, Li, Jing-Yi, Hu, You-Qun.SVM-based Abnormal Account Monitoring Model of Bank[A],International Conference of the Economic-Management-and-Trade-Cooperation (EMTC),2022,107:274-281
- [55]Guo Ming, 秦学志.Tail Dependence in Copper Future Prices Based on a Conditional Multivariate Extreme Value Model[A],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH (2017) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FINANCIAL RISK AND CORPORATE FINANCE MANAGEMENT,2022,305-310
- [56]秦学志.Tail Dependence in Copper Future Prices Based on a Conditional Multivariate Extreme Value Model. ...[A],The 9th (2017) International Conference on Financial Risk and Corporate Finance Management (FRCFM2017),2022,305-310
- [57]Sun Wuhan, 秦学志.Design of A Modularized Weather Index Insurance Product System[A],5th International Conference on Financial Risk and Corporate Finance Management,2013,181-188
- [58]Khan, Muhammad Arif, 秦学志, Jebran, Khalil.Does uncertainty influence the leverage-investment association in Chinese firms?[J],Research in International Business and Finance,2019,50:134-152
- [59]秦学志.Effects of the Financial Crisis on International Trade[A],Xi an conference on Transnational Corporations (TNCs) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI),2014
- [60]王文华, 秦学志, 张翔, 张茂军.兼具债转股和债务减记特征的或有可转债及其定价[J],系统管理学报,2021,29(5):895-904