Investigating freeway traffic hypercongestion between an on-ramp and its immediate upstream off-ramp

Indexed by:期刊论文
Page Number:187-209
ISSN No.:2324-9935
Key Words:merge; freeway congestion dynamics; traffic hypercongestion; kinematic
wave model of traffic flow
Abstract:This paper applies the freeway traffic congestion dynamics proposed in Laval and Leclercq [2010. "Continuum Approximation for Congestion Dynamics Along Freeway Corridors." Transportation Science 44 (1): 87-97] but with a modified distribution scheme of freeway merging flows to investigation of traffic hypercongestion on a freeway between an on-ramp and its immediate upstream off-ramp. The reason to make this modification is that the original merging scheme of this dynamics is found to possibly give undesired full priority to the traffic from the on-ramp and also occasionally make the resulting flow going through the merge greater than the available capacity. Traffic hypercongestion in this paper refers to a state where speed and flow change in the same direction as density varies. A homogeneous freeway segment chosen for this investigation includes an on-ramp and an off-ramp, which may correspond to a freeway passing by a city or town, with an off-ramp lying upstream towards the city and an on-ramp downstream. The entry flow from the upstream approach of the freeway was fixed and constant within the time horizon while both deterministic and random on-ramp inflow rates were used in this investigation. Then the formation and dissipation of traffic hypercongestion is investigated as on-ramp demand and off-ramp departure profiles vary. The first finding of this investigation is that the density in the hypercongestion area behind the merge never reached the jam density. Second, the hypercongested area continued to grow as long as the sum of the demand from the upstream of the freeway and that from the on-ramp was greater than the available capacity at the merge. Third, as long as the rate of flow leaving from the freeway via the off-ramp was not smaller than the entry flow rates from the on-ramp, no hypercongestion had been observed. In addition, in analysing the numerical results, a series of discussions was carried out to build the linkage between the on- and off-ramp flow profiles and the generated and attracted demand of the city plus its adjacent area the two ramps served for; these discussions suggest that the balanced generated and attracted demand of the city plus its adjacent area can reduce or even remove traffic hypercongestion behind the merge on the chosen freeway segment.
Date of Publication:2021-01-18