
A smoothing Newton method for mathematical programs governed by second-order cone constrained generalized equations


  • Indexed by:期刊论文


  • Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus

  • Volume:55

  • Issue:2

  • Page Number:359-385

  • ISSN No.:0925-5001

  • Key Words:Smoothing Newton method; Generalized equations; Second-order cone; MPEC; Optimality conditions

  • Abstract:In this paper, we consider a class of mathematical programs governed by second-order cone constrained parameterized generalized equations. We reformulate the necessary optimality conditions as a system of nonsmooth equations under linear independence constraint qualification and the strict complementarity condition. A set of second order sufficient conditions is proposed, which is proved to be sufficient for the second order growth of the stationary point. The smoothing Newton method in [40] is employed to solve the system of nonsmooth equations whose strongly BD-regularity at a solution point is demonstrated under the second order sufficient conditions. Several illustrative examples are provided and discussed.

  • Date of Publication:2013-02-01

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