
Nonsingularity in second-order cone programming via the smoothing metric projector


  • Indexed by:期刊论文


  • Included Journals:SCIE

  • Volume:53

  • Issue:4

  • Page Number:1025-1038

  • ISSN No.:1674-7283

  • Key Words:second-order cone programming problem; smoothing metric projector; B-subdifferential; Clarke's generalized Jacobian; smoothing Newton method

  • Abstract:Based on the differential properties of the smoothing metric projector onto the second-order cone, we prove that, for a locally optimal solution to a nonlinear second-order cone programming problem, the nonsingularity of the Clarke's generalized Jacobian of the smoothing Karush-Kuhn-Tucker system, constructed by the smoothing metric projector, is equivalent to the strong second-order sufficient condition and constraint nondegeneracy, which is in turn equivalent to the strong regularity of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker point. Moreover, this nonsingularity property guarantees the quadratic convergence of the corresponding smoothing Newton method for solving a Karush-Kuhn-Tucker point. Interestingly, the analysis does not need the strict complementarity condition.

  • Date of Publication:2010-04-01

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