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- [22]Dong, Wei, Zhou, Xiangming, Wu, Zhimin, Kastiukas, Gediminas, XM (reprint author), Brunel Univ, Dept Mech Aerosp & Civil Engn, London UB8 3PH, England..Effects of specimen size on assessment of shrinkage cracking of concrete via elliptical rings: ...[J],COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES,2016,174(,SI):66-78
- [23]Li, Qingbin, Guan, Junfeng, Wu, Zhimin, Dong, Wei, Zhou, Shaowu, JF (reprint author), North China Univ Water Resources & Elect Power, Sch Civil Engn & Commun, Zhengzhou 450011, Peoples R China..Equivalent maturity for ambient temperature effect on fracture parameters of site-casting dam c...[J],CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS,2016,120:293-308
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- [27]王璀瑾, 董伟, 王强, 吴智敏, 曲秀华, Dong, Wei(dongwei@dlut.edu.cn).混凝土I型裂缝扩展准则对比研究[J],工程力学,2016,33(5):89-96
- [28]吴智敏.Effect of Loading Rate on the Bond Behavior of Deformed Reinforcing Bars in Concrete under Biaxia...[J],Journal of Structural Engineering,ASCE,2016,142(6):1-9
- [29]殷福新, 陈廷国, 吴智敏, 王宝民, 年廷凯.土木工程卓越工程师生产实习模式的探索与实践[A],2016,216-218
- [30]吴智敏.Effect of loading rate on the behavior of deformed bars in concrete subjected to lateral pressure...[J],Materials & Structures,2016,49(6):2097-2111
- [31]董伟, 吴智敏.Investigation on fracture mechanisms and crack propagation process of natural rock-concrete inter...[A],2016
- [32]张学, 吴智敏, 欧进萍.The bond deterioration of plain round bars subjected to lateral tensile-compressive stresses[A],2016
- [33]管俊峰, 李庆斌, 吴智敏.Relationship between fracture parameters of Site-casting and sieved concrete[J],Magazine of Concrete Research,2016,68(1):43-54
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- [38]Li, Xinxin, Wu, Zhimin, Zheng, Jianjun, Dong, Wei, ZM (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Effect of loading rate on the bond behavior of plain round bars in concrete under lateral press...[J],CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS,2015,94:826-836
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- [40]张学, 吴智敏.Closure to “Experimental Study on Bond Behavior of Deformed Bars Embedded in Concrete Subjected ...[J],Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE,2015,27(7):7015006-7015006