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- [81]吴智敏.A Numerical Method for the Young’s Modulus of Concrete with Aggregate Shape Effect[J],Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,ASCE,2011,23(12):1609-1615
- [82]吴智敏.Concrete Pavement Decing with Carbon Fiber Heating Wire[J],Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2011, 65(3), 413-420,2011,65(3):413-420
- [83]吴智敏.Evaluating and proposing prediction models of shear crack width in concrete beams[J],Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2011, E2, 67(2), 245-263,2011,67(2):245-263
- [84]吴智敏.Size effect on axial compressive strength of CFRP confined circular concrete columns[J],International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 2011, 5(1), 49-55,2011,5(1):49-55
- [85]董伟, 何化南, 吴智敏.Expermental and numerical study on mode I-II crack propagation for small size specimens of concre...[A],2011,163:908-912
- [86]董伟, 何化南, 吴智敏, 易富民, Dong, W.(dlutdw@yahoo.com.cn).基于裂缝扩展准则的KR阻力曲线研究[J],工程力学,2011,28(7):13
- [87]梁猛, 董伟, 易富民, 吴智敏, Liang, M.(liangmeng78@yahoo.com.cn).CFRP约束混凝土圆柱轴心受压力学性能分析[J],土木建筑与环境工程,2010,32(6):36-41
- [88]Zhao, Hong-Ming, Wang, Song-Gen, Wu, Zhi-Min, Che, Guang-Jie, HM (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Concrete Slab Installed with Carbon Fiber Heating Wire for Bridge Deck Deicing[J],JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING-ASCE,2010,136(6):500-509
- [89]Wei, Hua, Wu, Zhimin, Zhang, Peng, H (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Axial Experiment on CFRP Confined Steel Reinforced Concrete Columns with Partial Deteriorated S...[J],JOURNAL OF REINFORCED PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES,2010,29(6):874-882
- [90]董伟, 何化南, 吴智敏, 易富民, Dong, W.(dlutdw@yahoo.com.cn).光弹贴片法研究混凝土Ⅰ-Ⅱ复合型裂缝扩展过程[J],工程力学,2010,27(9):41-48
- [91]吴智敏.Analytical Solution for the Pullout Response of FRP Rods embedded in Steel Tubes Filled with Ceme...[J],Materials & Structures,2010,43(5):597-609
- [92]董伟, 何化南, 吴智敏.Study on KR-curves of the concrete beam reinforced with CFRP[A],2010
- [93]Zheng, J. J., Zhou, X. Z., Wu, Z. M., JJ (reprint author), Zhejiang Univ Technol, Fac Civil Engn & Architecture, Hangzhou 310014, Zhejiang, Peoples R China..A simple method for predicting the chloride diffusivity of cement paste[J],MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES,2010,43(1-2):99-106
- [94]李晓东, 董伟, 吴智敏, 常清睿, Li, X.-D.(lxd0206@hotmail.com).小尺寸混凝土试件双K断裂参数的试验研究[J],工程力学,2010,27(2):166-171
- [95]Dong Wei, Wu Zhimin, Zhao Yanhua, Yi Fumin.On crack propagation of I-II mixed mode fracture in concrete by means of photoelastic coatings[A],2010,417-418:809-812
- [96]易富民, 董伟, 吴智敏, 杨树桐, Yi, F.(scyfm@126.com).CFRP加固混凝土梁断裂特性的试验研究[J],水力发电学报,2009,28(6):193-199,205
- [97]宿莹, 吴智敏, 胡程鹤, 石昌文.CFRP布加固钢筋混凝土梁的新型复合粘结技术[J],建筑科学与工程学报,2009,26(4):66-72
- [98]宿莹, 李云贵, 吴智敏, 胡程鹤, 石昌文.新型复合粘结技术的试验研究[A],2009,218-223
- [99]王显利, 郑建军, 吴智敏.钢筋影响下混凝土中氯离子质量分数累积研究[J],辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版),2009,28(5):742-745
- [100]He, Huanan, Wu, Zhimin, Dong, Wei.Study on Long-term Expansive Deformation of Self-stressing Concrete with Combined Restrictions ...[A],2009,452-453:533-536