Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2016-05-01
Journal:ICIC Express Letters
Included Journals:EI
Page Number:1079-1086
ISSN No.:1881803X
Abstract:Microblog plays an important role in the evolution of the public opinion. This paper proposes an opinion evolution model of microblog network, in which the memory effects and social reinforcement on opinion spreading are taken into account. The following conclusions are reached through simulation. When the proportion of two initial opinions diverges largely among individuals, the opinions are more likely to evolve to dictatorship state. The opinions distribution in final state is closely related to the proportion of initial opinions, spreading rate, memory effects and social reinforcement, while irrelevant to the out-degree and opinion of initial infected agent. This work provides a new insight into the opinion evolution on social media, and gives reference to the guidance of public opinions. © 2016 ICIC International.