Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2016-08-29
Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、SCIE、Scopus
Key Words:vibration severity time-varying excitation; cutterhead system; dynamical characteristics
Abstract:As a key component of the full face rock tunnel boring machine (TBM), cutterhead endures multi- point random impact loads in many projects. As a result, some engineering faults may appear, such as severe vibration, abnormal wears of cutting tools, cracking of cutterhead panel and the seal failure of main bearing. Lacking of vibration evaluation systematic was the main reason. A multi- hierarchy evaluation system has been established from the vibration regarding the situation, which, established dynamics equations by finite element method, regarded the value of the three-direction velocity of the key locations as the vibration severity index. Taken the TBM cutter-head of Jilin diversion engineering as an example, it's shown as follows: the vibration intensity of cutter saddle welding and flange bolt joint welds are 4.3 mm/s and 3.2 mm/s separately. Vibration severity of the cutter-heads can meet the requirements by calculating, but is need to be improved.