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RETRACTED ARTICLE: Interval physical programming and its application to evaluation of soil state in shield tunneling


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2013-07-15

Included Journals:EI、Scopus

Page Number:85-89

Abstract:Considering the limitation that weights without physical meaning are required to be provided in traditional evaluation methods, physical programming is used in multiattribute evaluation. Considering the uncertainty of attribute value, the interval physical programming model (IPP) is developed. Decision-makers only need to set boundary values for each preference range, thereby the interval attribute values of selected projects are computed with IPP model. A satisfactory project can be selected by interval numbers ranking. To address the existing problems in comprehensive evaluation on plastic flow behavior of conditioned soil, an attribute set is established to describe soil characteristics. The interval number of each attribute is specified according to the transit time of conditioned soil in the working chamber. Engineering experience is used to determine the region limits of preference function, which can reflect the actual intention of decision-maker. The numerical example of modified soil demonstrates the effectiveness and practicality of the proposed method. ? 2013 IEEE.

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