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Study on contact microforce measurement based on piezoelectric PZT thin film


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2006-06-21

Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、Scopus


Page Number:8407-+

Key Words:PZT thin film; microforce; microsensor; sol-gel; micro-cantilever

Abstract:PZT thin film sensors are widely used in microsensor because of its simple structure, high sensitivity and good linearity. The sol-gel method is used for the PZT thin film deposition on the silicon cantilever structure, actuation and sensing electrodes are made on the PZT micro-cantilever by the bulk micromachining technology. AC voltage is applied to the actuation electrode to make the micro-cantilever oscillate at 70Hz, and the charge on the sensing electrode serves as sensor signal. When contact force is applied to the tip of the micro-cantilever, the amplitude variation of the induced charge is collected by a charge amplifier and a digital lock-in amplifier. Experiments have shown that the PZT thin film sensors with the micro-cantilever structure are able to sense contact force whether the PZT thin film is in the state of stretching stress or compressive stress. The resolution of the microforce sensor is 3 mu N at the stretching stress, and 3.75 mu N at the compressive stress.

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