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Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2022-06-30




Page Number:6114-6118,6123

ISSN No.:1001-9731

Abstract:In this paper,a microstructured electret film with sandwich structure was designed.A flexible piezoe-lectric energy harvester based on microstructure PDMS electret was fabricated.The complete process was ex-plored,including spin coating,"soft etching",electron plasma bonding,constant voltage corona discharge technology and other processes.Copper net were used as electrodes.The piezoelectric coefficient and force-elec-trical characteristics of the electret film were measured.The results show that the piezoelectric coefficient (d33) of the PDMS piezoelectric energy harvester is 25 pC/N,and the open circuit voltage of 1.98 Vpp can be genera-ted at 5 N periodic force.The resonant frequency of the electret film is 32 Hz,and the resulting voltage is line-arly related to the applied force.


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