Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2010-01-01
Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus
Page Number:796-801
ISSN No.:1300-686X
Key Words:Concrete-faced Rockfill Dam; Sequential Impoundment Process; Nonlinear Finite Element Method; Horizontal and Vertical Deformation
Abstract:The rockfill is modeled as nonlinear elastic material, whose stress-dependent tangent modulus is related to the confining pressure. The parameters of constitutive relationship of stress and strain are determined by tri-dimensional compression test in laboratory. The model applied in this study adopts the technique of element birth and death to simulate the sequential impoundment process of concrete-faced rockfill dam with time. Nonlinear finite element method is used to simulate the prototype behavior of various components of the dam in sequential nonlinear analysis and some representative results are presented.