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个人信息Personal Information
任职 : fellow of chinese chemistry society,fellow of chinese chemical engineering society
学科:高分子材料. 高分子化学与物理. 膜科学与技术
联系方式:0411-84986095(O) Email: zhuxl@dlut.edu.cn
个人简介Personal Profile
长期从事新能源转换用离子交换膜材料、功能水性聚氨酯树脂等分子设计、可控制备及其构效关系研究。先后于大连理工大学获学士/硕士/博士学位,2005.3至2006.8年公派学者访问美国。在大连理工大学高分子材料系历任讲师、副教授、教授,博士生导师。是中国化学会、化工学会等会员。承担国家“十三五”重点研发项目课题、国家自然科学基金项目等工作,致力于水电解制氢及液流电池离子膜材料研发和应用研究,参与国家“十二五”863和973计划的研究工作。获得全国百篇优秀博士论文提名和辽宁省优秀博士论文。在J Mater. Chem-A, J Membr. Sci.,高分子学报等重要期刊发表论文70余篇,申请或授权国家发明专利13项。
1 氢能源用聚合物离子膜的制备及应用研究
2 燃料电池用电解质材料的制备及应用研究
3 功能性水性涂层树脂制备及应用
4 高性能高分子材料的制备及构效关系
1、Maolian Guo, Tao Ban, Yajie Wang, Yannan Wang, Yiyang Zhang, Jingsong Zhang, Xiuling Zhu*, Exploring highly soluble ether-free polybenzimidazole as anion exchange membranes with long term durability, J of Membrane Sci. 2022, 647: 120299-120312.
2、Tao Ban, Maolian Guo, Yajie Wang, Yannan Wang, Yiyang Zhang, Jingsong Zhang, Xiuling Zhu⁎,Densely functionalized proton exchange membrane from sulfonated poly (aryl ether ketone) containing multiple flexible side chains for fuel cell,Solid State Ionics, 2021, 372:115777-115790.
3、Wang Xinyu, Cui Yue, Wang Yannan, Ban Tao, Zhang Yiyang, Zhang Jingsong, Zhu Xiuling*. Preparation and characteristics of crosslinked fluorinated acrylate modified waterborne polyurethane for metal protection coating. Progress in organic coatings, 2021, 158: 106371-106383.
4、Shuai Zhang,Yajie Wang, Xueqiang Gao, Pinyang Liu, Xinyu Wang, Xiuling Zhu*, Enhanced conductivity and stability via comb-shaped polymer anion exchange membrane incorporated with porous polymeric nanospheres, J Membrane Sci., 2020, 597:117750-117764.
5、Shuai Zhang, Pinyang Liu, Yajie Wang, Xinyu Wang, Xiuling Zhu*, Photo-cross-linked poly(N-allylisatin biphenyl)-co-poly(alkylene biphenyl)s with pendant N-cyclic quaternary ammonium for anion exchange membranes, Reac. Func. Polymers, 2020,104576-104587.
6、Shuai Zhang, Xiuling Zhu*, Cuihong Jin, Development of high-performance anion exchange membrane using poly(isatin biphenylene) with flexible heterocycle quaternary ammonium cations for alkaline fuel cell, J Mater. Chemistry A, 2019, 7:6883–6893.
7、Cuihong Jin Xiuling Zhu*, Shuai Zhang, Highly hydroxide conducting membranes with long-chain flexible pendant quaternary ammonium groups of PPEK for HEMFC, Solid State Ionics, 2019, 335:121–128.
8、Shuai Zhang, Xiuling Zhu*, Cuihong Jin, Pyridinium-functionalized crosslinked anion exchange membrane based on multication side chain tethered elastomeric triblock poly(styrene-b-(ethylene-cobutylene)-b-styrene), Reac. Func. Polymers, 2019,138: 62-69.
9、Cuihong Jin, Shuai Zhang, Yuan Cong, Xiuling Zhu*, Highly oxidative resistant and conductive poly(arylene piperidine) with long side-chain heterocyclic ammonium for alkaline HEM, Intern J Hydrogen Energy, 2019,44: 24954-24964.
10、Cuihong jin, Xiuling Zhu*, Shuai Zhang, Shuai Li, Highly conductive flexible alkylsulfonated side chains poly(phthalazinone ether ketone)s for proton exchange membranes, Polymer 2018, 148:269-277.
11、Shuai Li, Xiuling Zhu*, Dezhi Liu; Fang Sun, A highly durable long side-chain polybenzimidazole anion exchange membrane for AEMFC, J Membrane Sci., 2018, 546: 15-21.
12、Shuai Zhang, Xiuling Zhu*, Cuihong Jin, Zhihong Zhang, Cyclodextrin edge functionalized graphene oxide modified poly(phthalazinone ether ketone) composite membrane with enhanced properties for anion exchange membrane, Solid State Ionics, 2018, 320: 360–368.
13、Cuihong Jin, Xiuling Zhu*, Synthesis and physicochemical properties of sulfonated poly(aryl ether) PEMs containing phthalazinone and oxadiazole moieties, High Performance Polymers, 2018, 30(3): 274-281.
14、Xiuling Zhu*, Jianyu Huang, Cuihong Jin, Shuai Zhang, Shuai Li, Ben Jiang, Highly proton conductive sulfonated poly (phthalazinone ether ketone)/sulfonated organosilane graphene oxide composite membranes for PEMFC, Polym. Bull. 2018, 75:3739–3751.
合成树脂及塑料, 2019, 36(3): 18-22.
16、Zhi Liu, Xiuling Zhu*, Guangfu Wang, et al, Novel crosslinked alkaline exchange membranes based on poly(phthalazinone ether ketone) for anion exchange membrane fuel cell applications, J Polym Sci, Part B: Polym Physics, 2013, 51: 1632~1638.
17、Dezhi Liu, Xixin Hou, Xiuling Zhu*, Rui Wang, Jian Jing,Yue Cui, Preparation and physicochemical property of self-crosslinking poly(phthalazinone ether ketone) anion exchange membranes, 物理化学学报, 2013, 29(12): 2573~2578.
18、Pan, Haiyan, Zhu, Xiuling*, Jian, Xigao et al, Synthesis and properties of sulfonated copoly(phthalazinone ether imides) as electrolyte membranes in fuel cells, Electrochimica Acta, 2010, 55(3): 709~714.
19、Pan, Haiyan, Zhu, Xiuling*, Jian Xigao et al, Synthesis of fluoro-containing sulfonated poly(phthalazinone ether ketone ketone)s and their properties as PEM in PEMFC and DMFC, J. Membrane Sci., 2009, 326(2): 453~459.
20、Zhu, Xiuling*, Liang, Yongfang, Pan, Haiyan, Jian, Xigao, Zhang, Yaoxia, Synthesis and properties of novel H-bonded composite membranes from sulfonated poly(phthalazinone ether)s for PEMFC, J. Membrane Sci., 2008, 31 2(1-2): 59~65.