Zhan Kang

Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Main positions:Deputy Dean, Faculty of Vehicle Engineering and Mechanics

Other Post:Deputy Dean, Faculty of Vehicle Engineering and Mechanics


Alma Mater:Stuttgart University, Germany

Degree:Doctoral Degree

School/Department:Department of Engineering Mechanics/ State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equimpment

Discipline:Engineering Mechanics. Computational Mechanics. Aerospace Mechanics and Engineering. Solid Mechanics

Business Address:https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6652-7831

Contact Information:zhankang#dlut.edu.cn 13190104312


Paper Publications

Design of two-dimensional horseshoe layout for stretchable electronic systems


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2013-12-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus



Page Number:8443-8448

ISSN No.:0022-2461

Abstract:Using appropriate layout in the design of the stretchable electronics is very important, since the optimized layout is capable of making the electronic system stretchable and maintaining the electrical performance and structural reliability. In this paper, a unit cell model with periodic boundary condition is proposed to investigate the stretchability and optimize the structure of the stretchable electronic systems with the 2D "horseshoe" layout. Unlike the monotonous trends in the cases of the "wavy", "mesh", and 1D "horseshoe" layout, each impact factor (metal wire thickness, metal wire width, eccentric angle) has an optimized value for the stretchability to reach its maximum. To comprehensively investigate the influence of these impact factors on the stretchability, we employ the response surface method and obtain the quadratic response surface function to mathematically explore the relationship between these impact factors and the stretchability of interest. The response surface method proposes an optimal design of the 2D "horseshoe" layout for the maximum stretchability, which agrees well with the finite element simulations results. The findings here provide a more programmable scheme and can be useful in formulating designs for the stretchable electronic systems.

Pre One:An adaptive method for high-resolution topology design

Next One:以动柔度为目标的结构阻尼材料层拓扑优化


Dr. Zhan Kang is a Changjiang Scholar Chair Professor of Dalian University of Technology. He graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1992, received his MEng in mechanics from Dalian University of Technology in 1995 and his Dr. –Ing. degree from Stuttgart University, Germany in 2005. His current research involves issues such as topology optimization, structural optimization under uncertainties, design optimization of smart structures and nanomechanics. Dr. Kang has published over 100 research papers in peer-reviewed international journals and one monograph. He has received 5500 citations and has an H-index of 39 (Google Scholar). Dr. Kang has been granted the Outstanding Youth Fund of Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). He has been principal investigator of 8 NSFC projects and a Key Project of Chinese National Programs for Fundamental Research and Development (973 Project). He has also conducted many consultancy projects.


Google Scholar Page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=PwlauJAAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN&oi=ao

