Doctoral Degree
Dalian University of Technology
Business Address:School of Infrastructure Engineering,DUT
Room 218, Haiyu Building
No.2 Linggong Road, Gaoxinyuan District
Dalian, P.R.China (116024)
Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2016-04-01
Journal:Revista Tecnica de la Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad del Zulia
Included Journals:EI
Page Number:35-40
ISSN No.:02540770
Abstract:Pore pressure is one of the main mechanisms for the explosive spalling of concrete exposed to fire. However, the research on the pore pressure of fiber-reinforced self-consolidating concrete (FRSCC) during fire exposure is very limited. The present experimental work investigates the build-up of pore pressure at different depths of FRSCC when exposed to ISO 384 fire heating curve. Micro polypropylene fiber, macro polypropylene fiber, steel fiber and their hybridizations reinforced SCC were investigated. Pore pressure measurements indicated that micro polypropylene fiber is more effective in mitigating maximum pore pressure development compared to macro polypropylene fiber while steel fiber has a slightly low effect. Steel fiber plays some roles in pore pressure reduction in deeper regions, while the macro PP fiber has a better effect in shallow regions than in deep regions during fire exposure. The positive hybrid effect in pore pressure reduction of steel and micro PP fiber is better than that of steel fiber hybrid macro PP fiber reinforced SCC. Fire exposure will lead to larger internal destruction in SCC. This is likely the reason that the pore pressure in SCC exposed to fire is obviously lower than that of other concrete exposed to electric heating.