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A novel non-iterative inverse method for estimating boundary condition of the furnace inner wall


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2017-10-01


Included Journals:Scopus、SCIE、EI


Page Number:91-97

ISSN No.:0735-1933

Key Words:Non-iterative inverse method; Least-square error method; Inverse boundary conditions; Boundary element method; Furnace inner wall

Abstract:novel non-iterative inverse method with two-step scheme based on boundary element method (BEM) is proposed to estimate the boundary condition of furnace inner wall. Firstly, a matrix equation of heat transfer is formed by BEM with some measurement points. Then, the boundary value of discrete nodes on the furnace inner wall can be solved by the least-square error method. Different shapes of the furnace inner wall are considered with different function expressions, where some factors are discussed to validate the performance of present method such as the measured error, the number of measurement points, the distributive position of measurement points and the mixed boundary conditions. The results of numerical examples show that the present method can obtain the great performance on both the inversing accuracy and the computing efficiency even for the large heat flux.

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