Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2011-01-01
Included Journals:SCIE、Scopus
ISSN No.:1110-757X
Abstract:The transversely isotropic magnetoelectroelastic solids plane problem in rectangular domain is derived to Hamiltonian system. In symplectic geometry space with the origin variables-displacements, electric potential, and magnetic potential, as well as their duality variables-lengthways stress, electric displacement, and magnetic induction, on the basis of the obtained eigensolutions of zero-eigenvalue, the eigensolutions of nonzero-eigenvalues are also obtained. The former are the basic solutions of Saint-Venant problem, and the latter are the solutions which have the local effect, decay drastically with respect to distance, and are covered in the Saint-Venant principle. So the complete solution of the problem is given out by the symplectic eigensolutions expansion. Finally, a few examples are selected and their analytical solutions are presented.