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Main positions:科学技术研究院副院长兼科技发展研究院院长、人文社科研究院院长
2008年获大连理工大学博士学位,2011-2012年在剑桥大学进行博士后研究。现任大连理工大学教授、博士生导师、硕士生导师,大连理工大学科学技术研究院副院长,科技发展研究院及人文社科研究院院长;担任大连市 “揭榜挂帅”首席专家,国际土力学与岩土工程学会会员,中国土木工程学会土力学及岩土工程分会会员,全国土工测试学会离心机分委会委员。
[1]Luo, Guangyu, Zhongtao Wang*, Gangqiang Kong, Long Tang, Yunhe Li, and Qing Yang. Model Tests on Chain-Soil Interaction of Anchor Pile for Taut Mooring System through Transparent Sand. Ocean engineering, 2024, 309: 118419.
[2]Luo, Guangyu, Zhongtao Wang, Gangqiang Kong, Yu Zhang, Qing Yang, Yu Zhou, Peng Li, and Meng Wang. Centrifuge Model Tests on an Anchor Pile under Cyclic Oblique Pullout Load Using Transparent Sand. Marine georesources & geotechnology, 2024, (Pulished online).
[3]Cao, Ziming, Guozhu Zhang, Zhongtao Wang, and Mei Yin. Heat Transfer Performance Analysis of Phase Change Material-Based Latent Heat Storage Unit Based on River Water Source. Journal of energy storage, 2024,97: 112972.
[4]Han, Yunrui, Wangcheng Zhang, Long Yu, Zhongtao Wang, and Qing Yang. Impact of Initial Slide on Downslope Seafloor with a Weak Layer. Ocean engineering, 2024, 300: 117469.
[5]Han, Yunrui, Long Yu, Zhongtao Wang, Qing Yang, and Yuxia Hu. A Novel T-Bar Test Method Ensuring Full-Flow Mechanism in Stiffer Clay. Géotechnique, 2023, (Pulished online).
[6]Wang, Zhongtao, Guangyu Luo, Gangqiang Kong, Yu Zhang, Jinquan Lu, Yu Chen, and Qing Yang. Centrifuge Model Tests on Anchor Pile of Single Point Mooring System under Oblique Pullout Load Using Transparent Sand. Ocean engineering, 2022, 264: 112441.
[7]Wang, Zhongtao, Yu Zhang, Long Yu, and Qing Yang. Centrifuge Modelling of Active Pipeline-Soil Loading under Different Impact Angle in Soft Clay. Applied ocean research, 2020, 98: 102129.
[8]Zhang, Yu, Zhongtao Wang*, Qing Yang, and Hanyang Wang. Numerical Analysis of the Impact Forces Exerted by Submarine Landslides on Pipelines. Applied ocean research, 2019, 92: 101936.
[9]Wu, Yuqi, Zhongtao Wang*, Qing Yang, and Dayong Li. Theoretical Studies on Penetration Resistance of Suction Caissons in Clay. Marine georesources & geotechnology,2019, 37(05): 558–567.
[10]Sang, Yong, Zhongtao Wang, Shenkun Yu, and Honghua Zhao. The Loading Test on the Singe Pile with Pile Cap in Transparent Soil Model.”Geotechnical testing journal, 2019, 42(02): 385–406.
[11]Yang, Qing, Binlong Cong, Zhongtao Wang, and Long Yu. An Analytical Solution for the Ultimate Embedment Depth and Potential Capacity of Vertically Loaded Anchors with a Bridle Shank. Ocean engineering, 2019, 187: 106216.
[12]Wang, Zhongtao*, Peng Liu, and Andrew Hin Cheong Chan. A State-Dependent Soil Model and Its Application to Principal Stress Rotation Simulations. International journal of distributed sensor networks, 2018, 14(11): 155014771880875.
[13]Zhang, Yu, Zhongtao Wang*, and Huafu Pei. Development of a Novel Lateral Resistance Measurement Penetrometer for Pipe–Soil Interaction Centrifuge Model Test. International journal of distributed sensor networks, 2018, 14(11): 155014771881564.
[14]Wang, Zhongtao, Peng Liu, Andrew Chan, and Dan Jin. Principal Stress Rotation and Cyclic Shear Strength for an Elliptical Rotation Stress Path. Marine georesources & geotechnology, 2017, 35(08): 1077–1085.
[15]Cong, Binlong, Zhongtao Wang*, Andrew Hin Cheong Chan, and Qing Yang. Analytical Model for Vertically Loaded Anchor Performance with a Bridle Shank. Computers and geotechnics, 2017, 82: 85–98.
[3] 王忠涛,罗光宇,孔纲强,等.倾斜拉拔荷载下锚桩承载性能及桩周位移场可视化离心模型试验[J].岩土工程学报,2023,45(01):189-195.
[4] 胡帅军,孔纲强,钟国,王忠涛,等.考虑能源地下车站负荷特征的地埋管换热量计算[J].太阳能学报,2023,44(09):510-517.
[1]于龙,张荷月,王忠涛,王泽明.一种基于有压触探的原位土体参数测量装置, 2021-11-05,中国,CN202010977372.5.
[2]裴华富,景俊豪,王忠涛,邹德高,杨钢,杨庆,付喜平,邹存昱,闫东.一种基于快速图像识别的地质灾害智能群防监测系统, 2021-06-08,中国, CN201811264328.9.
[4]于龙,韩云瑞,杨庆,王忠涛.一种基于全流触探的饱和黏土试样强度及应变软化参数测量装置, 2020-04-28,中国, CN201811023958.7.
[5]于龙,韩云瑞,王忠涛,杨庆.一种基于渗透固结方法的倾角可调海底边坡地震响应研究模型实验装置, 2019-11-19,中国, CN201811024121.4.