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Possibility of oil film detection on the ice cover of the sea surface


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2009-06-09

Included Journals:EI、Scopus


Page Number:781-789

Abstract:Quantitative analysis of the possibility of detecting oil pollution on the ice-covered sea surface is presented, including cases of detecting the oil film on the lower ice/water boundary from above (through given atmospheric layer) and from below (through given water layer) under natural and artificial illumination. An observation from above under natural illumination is possible when maximum ice thickness (without snow) is not greater than several meters and highly depends on ice optical properties. The detection of oil film is also possible from below by use of laser TV-system independently of snow presence. Apparently, the most effective way of solving the problem of detecting oil on the water-ice boundary is a combination of oil sensing from above through the ice cover and from below through the water layer.

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