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The determinant of profitability empirical evidence in productive services enterprise of China


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2014-11-22

Included Journals:EI、Scopus


Page Number:1043-1046

Abstract:We use the enterprise census database investigated by the national bureau of statistics and employ recently developed the Shapley value decomposition framework to disassemble the specific factors   contribution to profitability difference and combine it to calculate the contribution of industry and enterprise effect from the whole and segment sample. The empirical results reveal both industry effects, which mainly caused by market structure and market demand expansion, and enterprise effect chiefly influenced by ownership types, unproductive expenditure and financing channel, play a significant role in shaping profitability difference. In the whole sample, industry effect contributes 42. 71% and 51. 12% respectively in return on sale and Per Capita Create Profits model. In addition, the finding clearly indicates that the industry effect increases in low marketization regions or high administrative barriers industries, enterprise effect vice versa. ? 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, London.

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