Date of Publication:2022-10-10
Affiliation of Author(s):运载工程与力学学部
Page Number:711-723
ISSN No.:1007-7294
Abstract:The Subsurface Tension Leg Platform (STLP) concept is considered as a competitive alternative system to support lower-rated well completion equipment and rigid risers in ultra-deep water for offshore petroleum production. Flexible jumpers connecting the vessel to the STLP effectively isolates the dynamic vessel motions from the rigid risers. Though the decoupled effect from flexible jumpers was confirmed to some extent, many problems still remain on the detailed influence of flexible jumpers. This paper details the results of a study to investigate the effects of flexible jumpers on the global behavior of the rigid riser based on STLP concept. A general description of STLP/Flexible jumper configuration as well as the numerical modeling methodology is introduced. The comparison results, such as riser global response, riser interference, riser's strength, buckling as well as fatigue performance, in relation to STLP with and without flexible jumpers under the excitations of currents, random waves and vessel motions are presented and discussed in detail. The effect of different vessel offset directions on the global behavior of the rigid riser is also considered. The obtained conclusions have wide ranging applicability in reference to the engineering design and analysis aspects of deepwater free standing hybrid riser concepts.