Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2019-01-01
Included Journals:SCIE、EI
Page Number:355-364
ISSN No.:1618-7229
Key Words:polyDCPD; stiffness of the monomer; reinforcing; thermal and dynamic mechanical properties
Abstract:The application of polydicyclopentadiene (polyDCPD) as a high-performance thermosetting resin is often hindered by the simplicity and limitation of the polymer structure, making it unlikely to improve their thermal and dynamic mechanical properties by further optimizing the polymerization conditions. In this study, we developed a copolymer system which consisted of dicyclopentadienes and various designed monomers as excellent curing agents. The incorporated monomers bearing different stiffness and rigidity contain two active functional groups at the end of the structures and are capable of reinforcing original polyDCPD. The incorporated monomers notably enhanced the thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of polyDCPD. Besides that, the relationship between the stiffness of the monomer and the thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of polyDCPD was evaluated in detailed. Because of the simplicity and adjustability of copolymerization approach, optimal conditions of the copolymers with best property-reinforcing capability were systemically identified. The optimal materials displayed desired thermal and dynamic mechanical property and markedly outperformed the original polyDCPD.