Date of Publication:2008-01-01
Affiliation of Author(s):化工学院
Page Number:811-818
ISSN No.:1000-8608
Abstract:The aim of this study is to understand how the metabolism and viability of the cells in neurospheres changed with the increase of neurospheres diameters, the NSPCs (neural stem progenitor cells) were dissociated from the hippocampus tissue of embryonic 14 d (E14) mouse. During the culture, the diameter distribution of neurospheres and the cell viability were detected. Meanwhile, the concentrations of glucose, lactic acid, glutamine and ammonium in the media were measured, and the corresponding cellular metabolic rates were calculated and analyzed. The results show that the cell viability decreases with the increase of neurospheres diameters. When the diameter reaches about 100μm, and the concentrations of glucose and glutamine are 36.38 mmol/L and 1.33 mmol/L, the growing of central cells in neurospheres begins to be inhibited. Furthermore, when the diameter reaches about 100-150μm, and the concentrations of glucose and glutamine are 31.11 mmol/L and 1.15 mmol/L, the number of dead cells inside neurospheres exceeds that of proliferative cells. And the metabolism of the cells declines to very low level. In conclusion, the mass transfer limitation caused by the increase of neurospheres diameters has serious impact on the cell viability and metabolism.