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Numerical and experimental investigation of nonlinear focused waves-current interaction with a submerged plate


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2017-05-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus


Page Number:11-27

ISSN No.:0029-8018

Key Words:Focused waves; HOBEM; Fully nonlinear; Submerged plate; Wave-current interaction; Experiment

Abstract:This paper concerns the interaction of focused waves with uniform current and a submerged horizontal plate in the context of the two-dimensional nonlinear potential theory. A fully nonlinear NWT (numerical wave tank) based on a time domain HOBEM (higher-order boundary element method) is applied to the numerical solutions. In the model, the Goda's method is modified to discriminate incident and reflected waves, whereas the acceleration potential approach is introduced to determine the hydrodynamic forces on the structure. The corresponding experiments are also conducted in a two-dimensional glass-walled wave tank at Jiangsu University of Science and technology. The developed model is verified with published numerical results and validated with experimental test. Through a systematic parametric study, it is found that the maximum reflection or minimum transmission for different currents occur at the same plate width because of the compensating Doppler effects of current. The spectral analysis reveals that the energy dissipation occurs primarily in the fundamental waves when focused waves propagating over the plate. The current has a stronger influence on the wave forces than on wave surface elevation. Furthermore, the 'secondary loading cycle' phenomenon is also observed in the time series of the wave forces for a following current.

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