Maggie Guo
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[1]   Yuan Song, Guo Xiaoguang, Miao Qian, Guo Jiang, Van Duin  Adri C.T., Jin Zhuji, Kang Renke, Guo Dongming, Effects of pressure and velocity on the interface friction behavior of diamond utilizing ReaxFF simulations, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021,191:106096. (online) (SCI、EI收录,影响因子:4.631,JCR Q1, 学院认定TOP期刊)

[2]   Yuan Song, Guo Xiaoguang, Li Penghui, Miao Qian, Lu Menggang, Jin Zhuji, Kang Renke, Guo Dongming, Insights into the surface oxidation modification mechanism of nano-diamond: An atomistic understanding from ReaxFF simulations, Applied Surface Science, 2021,540:148321. (online) (SCI、EI收录,影响因子:6.182,JCR Q1, TOP期刊)

[3]   Ming Li, Xiaoguang Guo, Ruifeng Zhai, Xichun Luo, Renke Kang,  Zhuji Jin, Dongming Guo, Study on the subsurface damage mechanism of optical quartz glass during single grain scratching, Ceramics International. (online)(SCI、EI收录,影响因子:3.83,JCR Q1,TOP期刊)

[4]   Guo Xiaoguang, Gou Yongjun, Dong Zhigang, Yuan Song, Li Ming, Du Wenhao, Kang Renke, Study on subsurface layer of nano-cutting single crystal tungsten in different orientations, Applied Surface Science, 2020, 526:146608. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子:6.182,JCR Q1, TOP期刊)

[5]   Xiaoguang Guo, Junxin Huang, Song Yuan, Chong Chen, Zhuji Jin, Renke Kang,Dongming Guo, Effect of surface hydroxylation on ultra-precision machining of quartz glass, Applied Surface Science 501 (2020) 144170-144180. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子:6.182,JCR Q1, TOP期刊)

[6]   Guo Xiaoguang, Yuan Song, Huang junxin, Chen chong, Jin zhuji, Kang renke, Guo dongming. Effects of pressure and slurry on removal mechanism during the chemical mechanical polishing of quartz glass using ReaxFF MD. Applied Surface Science, 2020,505:114610-114620.(SCI、EI收录,影响因子:6.182,JCR Q1, TOP期刊)

[7]   Guo Xiaoguang, Yuan Song, Gou Yongjun, Wang Xiaoli, Guo Jiang, Jin zhuji, Kang renke, Study on chemical effects of H2O2 and glycine in the Copper CMP process using ReaxFF MD, Applied Surface Science, 2020, 508. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子:6.182,JCR Q1, TOP期刊)

[8]   Yuan Song(本人学生); Guo Xiaoguang, Huang junxin, Gou Yongjun, Jin zhuji, Kang renke, Guo Dongming, Insight  into the mechanism of low friction and wear during the chemical mechanical polishing process of diamond: A reactive molecular dynamics simulation, Tribology International, 2020, 148:106308(SCI、EI收录,影响因子:4.271,JCR Q1, TOP期刊)

[9]   Shuohua Zhang(本人学生), Xiaoguang Guo, Zhuji Jin, Renke Kang, Dongming Guo, Material removal characteristics of precorroded Lu2O3 laser crystals and elastic deformation model during nanoscratch process, Tribology International,2020, 143:106027-106035.(SCI、EI收录,影响因子:4.271,JCR Q1, TOP期刊)

[10] Linquan Cai(本人学生), Xiaoguang Guo, Shang Gao, Zhiyuan Li, Renke Kang, Material removal mechanism and deformation characteristics of AlN ceramics under nanoscratching, Ceramics International 45 (2019) 20545–20554。(SCI、EI收录,影响因子:3.83,JCR Q1,TOP期刊)

[11] Shuohua Zhang(本人学生), Xiaoguang Guo, Zhuji Jin, Renke Kang, Dongming Guo, Tang William C., Surface morphologies and corresponding hardness evolution during nanoscratching, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020,9(3): 3179-3189. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子:5.289,JCR Q1)

[12] Song Yuan(本人学生), Xiaoguang Guo, Junxin Huang, Menggang Lu, Zhuji Jin, Renke Kang, Dongming Guo, Sub-nanoscale polishing of single crystal diamond(100) and the chemical behavior of nanoparticles during the polishing process,Diamond & Related Materials, 2019 ,100:107258-107266.(SCI、EI收录,影响因子:2.65,JCR Q2)WOS:000501621000013 Accession number: 20194407594465

[13] Song Yuan(本人学生), Xiaoguang Guo, Menggang Lu, Zhuji Jin, Renke Kang, Dongming Guo, Diamond nanoscale surface processing and tribochemical wear mechanism, Diamond & Related Materials,2019, 94:8-13. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子:2.65,JCR Q2)WOS:000467511300002 Accession number: 20190806537629

[14] Xiaoguang Guo, Song Yuan, Xiaoli Wang, Zhuji Ji, Renke Kang,Atomistic Mechanisms of Chemical Mechanical Polishing of Diamond (100) in Aqueous H2O2 / pure H2O:Molecular Dynamics Simulations Using Reactive Force Field (ReaxFF). Computational Materials Science, 2019,157:99-106. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子:2.863,JCR Q2)WOS:000450616700013 Accession number: 20184506051853

[15] Guo Xiaoguang, Zhai Ruifeng, Shi Yutong, Kang Renke, Jin Zhuji, Guo Dongming. Study on influence of grinding depth and grain shape on grinding damage of K9 glass by SPH simulation. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 106(1-2):333-343.(SCI、EI收录,影响因子:2.633,JCR Q2) WOS:000497873700011,EI检索:20194807739478

[16] Guo Xiaoguang, Zhai Ruifeng, Kang Renke, Jin Zhuji, Guo Dongming,Study of the influence of tool rake angle in ductile machining of optical quartz glass,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 104(1-4):803-813. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子:2.633,JCR Q2)SCI检索WOS:000483808200048, EI检索:20192507063864

[17] Guo Xiaoguang, Li Yang, Cai Linquan, Guo Jiang, Kang Renke, Jin Zhuji, Guo Dongming,Effects of tool edge radius on chip formation during the micromachining of pure iron, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020,108(7-8):2121-2130. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子:2.633,JCR Q2)

[18] Xiaoguang Guo, Xiaoli Wang, Zhuji Jin, Renke Kang, Atomistic mechanisms of Cu CMP in aqueous H2O2: Molecular dynamics simulations using ReaxFF reactive force field. Computational Materials Science, 2018,155:476-482. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子:2. 2.863,JCR Q2)

[19] Xiaoguang Guo, Qiang Li,Tao Liu,Renke Kang,Zhuji Jin,Dongming Guo, Advances in molecular dynamics simulation of ultra-precision machining of hard and brittle materials, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 12(1): 89–98. (SCI收录,影响因子:2.448,JCR Q2)

[20] Xiaoguang Guo, Qiang Li, Tao Liu, Changheng Zhai, Renke Kang, Zhuji Jin. Molecular dynamics study on the thickness of damage layer in multiple grinding of monocrystalline silicon. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2016,51:15-19. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子:3.085,JCR Q2)

[21] Zhuoying Shi, Zhuji Jin, Xiaoguang Guo(通讯作者), Song Yuan, Jiang Guo. Insights into the atomistic behavior in diamond chemical mechanical polishing with .OH environment using ReaxFF molecular dynamics simulation, Computational Materials Science, 2019, 166:136–142. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子:2.863,JCR Q2)

[22] Xiaoguang Guo, Yutong Shi, Xichun Luo, Renke Kang, Zhuji Jin, Fei Ding, Zhipeng Li. Mechanism of Crack Propagation for K9 Glass, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2019,20:815–825. (SCI收录,影响因子:1.378,JCR Q3)

[23] Xiaoguang Guo, Ming Li, Zhigang Dong, Ruifeng Zhai, Zhuji Jin, Renke Kang. Smooth particle hydrodynamics modeling of cutting force in milling process of TC4, Advanced in Manufacturing, 2019, 7(4):364-373.(SCI收录,影响因子:2.568,JCR Q3)检索号WOS:000495352800001

[24] Xiaoguang Guo, Yang Li, Zhuji Jin, and Renke Kang. Modeling and simulating of high chromium alloy based on Molecular Dynamics. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2019,19(8):4671-4676.(SCI、EI收录,影响因子:1.134, JCR Q4)

[25] Tao Liu, Xiaoguang Guo(通讯作者), Qiang Li, Renke Kang, Dongming Guo, Study on the Surface Damage Layer in Multiple Grinding of Quartz Glass by Molecular Dynamics Simulation.  Journal of Nano Research, 2017, 46:192-202. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子:1.238,JCR Q4)

[26] Xiaoguang Guo, Xiaoli Wang, Song Yuan, Yang Li, Renke Kang, Zhuji Jin. Study on grinding damage of high chromium alloy based on molecular dynamics, International Journal of Nanomanufacturing ,2020, 16(4):328-339.(EI收录)

[27] Xiaoguang Guo, Changheng Zhai, Renke Kang, Dongming Guo, Study on the effect of grain boundary on the mechanical properties of polysilicon by molecular dynamics simulation,  International Journal of Nanomanufacturing,2017, 13(2):129-138. (EI收录)

[28] Xiaoguang Guo, Chong Chen, Renke Kang and Zhuji Jin. Study of mechanical properties and subsurface damage of quartz glass at high temperature based on MD simulation, Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics, 2019, 4(2): 1950003-19500017.

[29] Zhuoying Shi, Zhuji Jin, Xiaoguang Guo, Xiaolin Shi, Jiang Guo Interfacial friction properties in diamond polishing process and its molecular dynamic analysis, Diamond & Related Materials, 2019,100:107546-107552. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子:2.65,JCR Q2)

[30] Junfeng Cui, Zhenyu Zhang, Haiyue Jiang, Dongdong Liu, Li Zou, Xiaoguang Guo, Yao Lu, Ivan P. Parkin, Dongming Guo, Ultrahigh Recovery of Fracture Strength on Mismatched Fractured Amorphous Surfaces of Silicon Carbide, ACS NANO,2019, 13(7): 7483-7492. (SCI、EI收录,影响因子:14.588,JCR Q1)

[31] Li Zhiyuan, Gao Shang, Kang Renke, Li Honggang, Guo Xiaoguang, A comparative study of lapping and grinding induced surface/subsurface damage of silicon wafers and corresponding polishing efficiency, International Journal of Abrasive Technology, 2020, 10(2):122-133. (EI收录)

[32] Guo Xiaoguang, Li Ming, Luo Xichun, Zhai Ruifeng, Kang Renke, Jin Zhuji, Guo Dongming, Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics investigation on brittle-ductile transition of quartz glass in single-grain grinding process, Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 2020, 3:299-306.

[33] 郭晓光,刘涛,翟昌恒,苑泽伟,金洙吉,郭东明. 过渡金属作用下的金刚石石墨化机理研究,机械工程学报,2016,52(20):23-29。(EI收录)

[34] 郭晓光, 翟昌恒, 金洙吉, 郭东明. 铁基作用下的金刚石石墨化研究.机械工程学报,2015,51(17):162-168.(EI收录)

[35] 袁菘(本人学生),郭晓光,金洙吉,康仁科,郭东明. 金刚石化学机械抛光研究现状,表面技术,2020,49(4):11-22. (EI收录)

[36] 郭晓光,刘子源,郑桂林,郭东明. KDP晶体三倍频晶面微观力学行为及加工性能.光学精密工程, 2016, 24(2):398-405.(EI收录)

[37] 郭晓光,郑桂林,康仁科,金洙吉,郭东明。光滑粒子流体动力学方法模拟石英玻璃超精密切削过程,硅酸盐学报,2016,44(1):142-147.(EI收录)

[38] 郭晓光,李洋,翟昌恒,康仁科,金洙吉.单晶硅多次加工时的亚表面损伤仿真分析[J].中国科技论文,2017,12(04):374-378.

[39] Yan Ying, Zhou Ping, Shangxiong Zhang(本人学生), Guo Xiaoguang, Guo Dongming. Effects of substrate curvature on thickness distribution of Polydimethylsiloxane thin films in spin coating process. Chinese Physics B, 2018,27(6):068104-1-9.(SCI、EI收录,影响因子:1.223,JCR Q3)

[40] 金洙吉,谢飞(学生),郭晓光(通讯作者),史双佶. 单晶金刚石切削模具钢磨损机理的分子动力学仿真,纳米技术与精密工程, 2016, 14(6):410-415.

  • Educational Experience
  • Work Experience
2002-4 | 2008-4
  • 大连理工大学
  • 机械制造及其自动化
  • Doctoral Degree

1999-9 | 2002-4
  • 大连理工大学
  • 动力机械及工程
  • Master's Degree

1994-9 | 1998-7
  • 北方交通大学
  • 热力发动机
  • Bachelor's Degree

  • Social Affiliations
  • Research Focus
Personal Information

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Alma Mater:大连理工大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree


Discipline:Mechanical Manufacture and Automation

Business Address:机械工程学院大方楼5011



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