Date of Publication:2022-10-10
Page Number:136-144
ISSN No.:1000-1301
Abstract:This paper simulates two shaking table tests performing for ground
liquefaction with seismic input of 0. 15 g and 0. 5 g as well as the
Wildlife site where liquefaction was triggered during the Superstition
Hills Earthquake,1987 using a fully coupled dynamic effective stress
analysis. A modified generalized plasticity model is used to simulate
cyclic mobility and liquefaction behavior of saturated sands. The
parameters of the generalized plasticity model are calibrated from
laboratory tests and conventional field investigations. The numerical
results show that the simulated ground acceleration and the history of
pore water pressure ratio accord well with the measurements. In
addition,the calculated acceleration response spectra for the ground
response correspond well with those of the measurements. Thus,the used
fully coupled dynamic effective stress method is very effective in
analyzing seismic response of liquefied site.