Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2009-01-01
Page Number:15-20
Abstract:Reducing the operating temperature of solid oxide fuel cells from 1000 C to intermediate temperatures (IT, 500-700 C) has been a research focus in recent years. At ITs, cathode polarization of conventional (La,Sr)Mn03 type electrodes becomes prohibitively large, therefore, cathode materials with faster oxygen transport and exchange kinetics are needed. Oxygen-deficient double perovskite oxides with mixed ionic-electronic conductivities are promising cathode materials for use with ceria based electrolytes. We have prepared dense epitaxial PrBaCo2O5+x (PBCO) and LaBaCo2O5+x+ (LBCO) thin films on SrTiO3 (STO) and LaAlO3 (LAO) single crystalline substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD). Rocking curve measurement indicated an excellent epitaxial nature for these films. The oxygen exchange kinetics of PBCO and LBCO thin films has been determined by electrical conductivity relaxation (ECR). Surface oxygen exchange coefficients were obtained by fitting the ECR profiles. The results for PBCO and LBCO thin films are compared.