
Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Title : 结构工程研究所所长


Alma Mater:大连理工大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree


Discipline:Structural Engineering. Hydraulic Structure Engineering. Port, Coastal and Offshore Engineering

Business Address:建设工程学部4号楼316

Contact Information:wanglich@dlut.edu.cn


Paper Publications

Dynamic multiaxial strength and failure criterion of dam concrete


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2014-09-15


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus


Page Number:181-191

ISSN No.:0950-0618

Key Words:Dynamic strength; Dam concrete; Multiaxial loading; Failure mode; Failure criterion

Abstract:Dynamic multiaxial strength experiments on both dam and wet-screened concretes were carried out by using a large static and dynamic triaxial electro-hydraulic servo testing machine. The dynamic strength under uniaxial compression (C), uniaxial tension (T), biaxial compression-compression (C-C), biaxial compression-tension (C-T), triaxial compression-compression-tension (C-C-T) and triaxial compression-compression-compression (C-C-C) are presented in the paper. The influence of strain rate (ranging from 10(-5)/s to 10(-2)/s) and stress ratio on the failure modes and dynamic strength of dam and wet-screened concretes is analyzed. It is found that the failure modes of both dam and wet-screened concretes were mainly dependent on the stress ratio, but independent of the strain rate. The ultimate strengths of dam and wet-screened concretes are found to increase with the increase of strain rate. Particularly, the dynamic increasing factor (DIF) increases obviously when the tensile stress is included. It is noted that the maximum DIF existed in the triaxial C-C-T stress state and the minimum DIF corresponded to the triaxial C-C-C state. The octahedral normal and shear stresses are increased but the similar angle is kept constant with the increase of strain rate in the octahedral stress space. The dynamic failure criterion is developed after analyzing the effect of octahedral normal stress and similar angle on the dynamic strength. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Pre One:三向受力状态下大骨料和湿筛混凝土动态强度特性研究

Next One:Experimental study on water absorption by concrete damaged by uniaxial loading






