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Residual energy level based clustering routing protocol for wireless sensor networks


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2015-09-26

Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、Scopus


Key Words:Wireless Sensor networks; Residual Energy Level; Clustering; Routing Protocol

Abstract:The wireless sensor networks, which nodes prone to premature death, with unbalanced energy consumption and a short life time, influenced the promotion and application of this technology in internet of things in agriculture. This paper proposes a clustering routing protocol based on the residual energy level (RELCP). RELCP includes three stages: the selection of cluster head, establishment of cluster and data transmission. RELCP considers the remaining energy level and distance to base station, while election of cluster head nodes and data transmitting. Simulation results demonstrate that the protocol can efficiently balance the energy dissipation of all nodes, and prolong the network lifetime.

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