Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2018-01-01
Included Journals:SCIE、EI
Page Number:17942-17951
ISSN No.:2169-3536
Key Words:CNNs; hypergraph; sentiment classification; online reviews; short text
Abstract:Sentiment classification of online reviews is playing an increasingly important role for both consumers and businesses in cyber-physical-social systems. However, existing works ignore the semantic correlation among different reviews, causing the ineffectiveness for sentiment classification. In this paper, a word embedding clustering-based deep hypergraph model (ECDHG) is proposed for the sentiment analysis of online reviews. The ECDHG introduces external knowledge by employing the pre-training word embeddings to express reviews. Then, semantic units are detected under the supervision of semantic cliques discovered by an improved hierarchical fast clustering algorithm. Convolutional neural networks are connected to extract the high-order textual and semantic features of reviews. Finally, the hypergraph can be constructed based on high-order relations of samples for the sentiment classification of reviews. Experiments are performed on five-domain data sets including movie, book, DVD, kitchen, and electronic to assess the performance of the proposed model compared with other seven models. The results validate that our model outperforms the compared methods in classification accuracy.