个人信息Personal Information
学科:工程力学. 应用与实验力学. 生物与纳米力学
办公地点:大连理工大学 A1区26号 力学系203室
联系方式:yanhh@dlut.edu.cn 0411-84708397
- [101]He, Chuang, 闫鸿浩, 李晓杰, 王小红.One-pot millisecond preparation of quench-resistant solid-state fluorescence carbon dots toward...[J],DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS,2022,91:255-260
- [102]闫鸿浩, Wu, Linsong, 李晓杰, 王小红.Optimal Design and Preparation of Nano-TiO2 Photocatalyst Using Gaseous Detonation Method[J],JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY,2022,17(3):2124-2129
- [103]何闯, 闫鸿浩, 李晓杰, 王小红.One-step rapid fabrication of high-purity onion-like carbons as efficient lubrication additives[J],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2022,56(2):1286-1297
- [104]He, Chuang, 闫鸿浩, 李晓杰, 王小红.One-step rapid fabrication of high-purity onion-like carbons as efficient lubrication additives[J],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2022,56(2):1286-1297
- [105]Qu, Y.-D., 闫鸿浩, 李晓杰, 刘海霞.Overpressure comparison of blasting in air and special-made hemispherical structure[J],Gaoya Wuli Xuebao/Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics,2022,26(1):95-101
- [106]闫鸿浩, 李晓杰.Phase Transition Rate of Anatase During Detonation Synthesis of TiO2[J],PHASE TRANSITIONS,2022,90(11):1-10
- [107]Zhao, Tiejun, 闫鸿浩, 李晓杰, Wang, Yang, Wu, Linsong.Phase transition rate of anatase during detonation synthesis of TiO2[J],PHASE TRANSITIONS,2022,90(6):618-627
- [108]Xie, XH, 李晓杰, Li, RY, 闫鸿浩, Qu, YD, Chen, T.Parameters of critical detonation of water-gel explosives[A],International Autumn Seminar on Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics,2022,169-174
- [109]Sun, Guilei, 李晓杰, Qu, Yandong, 王小红, 闫鸿浩, Zhang, Yueju.Preparation and characterization of graphite nanosheets from detonation technique[J],MATERIALS LETTERS,2022,62(4-5):703-706
- [110]Ouyang, Xin, 李晓杰, 闫鸿浩, Mo, Fei, Zhao, Chunfei.Preparation and characterization of nanosized TiO2 powders by gaseous detonation method[J],Materials Science and Engineering B Advanced Functional Solid State Materials,2022,153(1-3):21-24
- [111]Qu, Yandong, 李晓杰, Li, Ruiyong, 闫鸿浩, Ouyang, Xin, 王小红.Preparation and characterization of the TiO2 ultrafine particles by detonation method[J],MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2022,43(1):97-103
- [112]Luo Ning, 李晓杰, 王小红, 闫鸿浩, Mo Fei, Sun Wei.Preparation and magnetic behavior of carbon-encapsulated iron nanoparticles by detonation metho...[J],COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,69(15-16):2554-2558
- [113]Song, Xinhua, 李晓杰, 闫鸿浩.Preparation and microwave absorption properties of MWCNTs/Fe3O4/NBR composites[J],DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS,2022,100
- [114]李晓杰, 孙伟, 闫鸿浩, Liu Kaixin, 王小红, Luo Ning.Preparation of Nano-Al2O3 Dispersion Strengthened Coating on Copper Surface[J],稀有金属材料与工程,2022,41:32-34
- [115]李晓杰, 闫鸿浩.Preparation of Nanostructured TiO2 Particles by Gas-Phase Detonation[A],Shock-Assisted Materials Synthesis and Processing: Science, Technology, Innovations, and Industrial Implemenetation,2022,0(0):93-93
- [116]Sun, Guilei, 李晓杰, 闫鸿浩, 邱介山, Zhang, Yueju.Production of nanoslized graphite powders from natural graphite by detonation[J],炭素,2022,46(3):476-481
- [117]王小红, 李晓杰, 闫鸿浩, Qu, Y. D., Sun, G. L., Xie, X. H., Zhang, Y. J..Research of thermal decomposition kinetic characteristic of emulsion explosive base containing ...[J],JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY,2022,91(2):545-550
- [118]Miao, Yusong, 李晓杰, 闫鸿浩, 王小红, Sun, Junpeng.Research and application of a symmetric bilinear initiation system in rock blasting[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES,2022,102:52-56
- [119]Wang, JX, 李晓杰, 闫鸿浩.Research of energy deposition caused by pore collapse[J],COMBUSTION EXPLOSION AND SHOCK WAVES,2022,41(3):357-362
- [120]闫鸿浩.Research on the Synthesis of Carbon-coated Cu Nanoparticles by Gaseous Detonation Method[A],Fifth international symposium on explosion, shock wave and high-strain-rate phenomena,2022,34-34