Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2018-06-25
Included Journals:SCIE
ISSN No.:0003-6951
Abstract:Reducing the contact time between impacting droplets and superhydrophobic surfaces has attracted much attention in recent years due to the importance of controlling heat and mass transfer. Previous researchers have proposed several methods, such as lifting the droplets before the retraction, accelerating the retraction process, or splashing the droplets. One example includes symmetry-breaking surfaces, which were used to accelerate the droplet retraction to realize the fast detachment. However, the dependence of the contact time on impact velocity and surface structure scale remains unclear. Here, we experimentally study the droplet impact dynamics on cross-scale cylindrical superhydrophobic surfaces. The reduction of the contact time is achieved on the surfaces with a ridge smaller or larger than the droplets, spanning different bouncing regimes. We describe the droplet behaviors and propose theoretical models from the view of retraction speed to explain the contact time variations. The maximum reduction is observed to occur when the ridge diameter is close to that of the droplets, which is also predicted by the models. Published by AIP Publishing.