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Smart Multi-task Bregman Clustering and multi-task kernel clustering


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2013-07-14

Included Journals:EI、Scopus

Page Number:1034-1040

Abstract:Multitask Bregman Clustering (MBC) alternatively updates clusters and learns relationship between clusters of different tasks, and the two phases boost each other. However, the boosting does not always have positive effect, it may also cause negative effect. Another issue of MBC is that it cannot deal with nonlinear separable data. In this paper, we show that MBC's process of using cluster relationship to boost the updating clusters phase may cause negative effect, i.e., cluster centroid may be skewed under some conditions. We propose a smart multi-task Bregman clustering (S-MBC) algorithm which identifies negative effect of the boosting and avoids the negative effect if it occurs. We then extend the framework of S-MBC to a smart multi-task kernel clustering (S-MKC) framework to deal with nonlinear separable data. We also propose a specific implementation of the framework which could be applied to any Mercer kernel. Experimental results confirm our analysis, and demonstrate the superiority of our proposed methods. Copyright ? 2013, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.

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