Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2012-12-01
Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus
Page Number:338-345
ISSN No.:1385-8947
Key Words:Aerobic granules; Hydroxylamine; Low C/N wastewaters; Anammox
Abstract:Partial nitritation-Anammox process is regarded as a promising nitrogen removal method for nitrogen removal from low C/N wastewaters. In the present work, stable partial nitrification was successfully achieved by 10 mg/l hydroxylamine dosing in aerobic granules under experimental conditions of pH 7.8-8.2, dissolved oxygen (DO) above 5 mg/l and temperature around 25 degrees C. When the NH4-N and COD were fixed at 100 mg/l and 400 mg/l, the TN removal efficiency was 57% with a NO2-N/NOx-N (NO2 + NO3)-N ratio of 99.8% in the effluent. Meanwhile, 79% COD was removed by aerobic granules, which was regarded as beneficial to the following Anammox. Sequentially, a mixture of the SBR effluent and raw influent with an average NO2-N/NH4-N ratio of 1.67 was fed to an Anammox reactor. The COD and TN removal efficiencies reached 77% and 81%, respectively, through coupling of Anammox and denitrification. SEM detection showed that the main composition of aerobic granules was coccus and bacilli bacteria. FISH results demonstrated that ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) became the dominant bacteria of aerobic granules, which further proved the important effects of hydroxylannine on the achievement of partial nitrification by aerobic granules under conditions of high DO and ambient temperature. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.