Date of Publication:2022-10-10
Affiliation of Author(s):软件学院
Page Number:272-276
ISSN No.:1000-8608
Abstract:In terms of the dynamic features in social network,the concepts of
community seed and community theme based on the instruction of
multimodal function optimization and particle swarm optimization
algorithms are introduced to hierarchically discover the social
community.Firstly,the immovable connections are used to dig community
structures in complex networks and construct the fundamental community
structures.Secondly,the community context is analyzed and the community
theme is defined according to the recessive behavioral characteristics
of nodes in the same community.Then,the community members are refined
until the structure is steady.Experimental results show that this
algorithm can effectively preserve the diversity of communities in
social network,accelerate the convergence of nodes in communities and
quickly find the steady social structures.