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Urban tourism in Dalian, China


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2009-01-01


Included Journals:Scopus



Page Number:178-195

ISSN No.:13032917

Abstract:This paper documents the efforts that a city in China has made to link economic development with the global scene. Shortly after China was opened to the outside world in 1978, Dalian officials had the foresight to include tourism in their urban plans. Tourism development has been an integral part of the overall urban development strategy. Environmental enhancement has upgraded the city's image and competitive competence. Multi-functional urban facilities have been constructed, such as conference centres that are aimed at and used by clients with multiple purposes. Tourism is well established in Dalian and has been a means of facilitating urban development rather than an end in itself. In spite of efforts to exert a global presence, the city is currently more influential at the regional rather than the global level.

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