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基于Rank Logit模型对城际交通分担率的计算方法研究


Date of Publication:2012-01-01



Page Number:137-143

ISSN No.:1009-6744

Abstract:Intercity transportation plays an important role in urban economic growth, which is also an important research field of transportation planning. With the rapid development of high-speed railway, intercity transportation mode split is correspondingly changing in China. The Rank Logit model is one of the methods to measure the mode spilt in transportation research. The method can make full use of ranking data from SP survey to improve the model accuracy. The paper investigates the Guangzhou-Wuhan corridor and collects 891 SP survey data from the corridor to formulate a Rank Logit model. The analysis of the model indicates that the RL model has higher accuracy and more reliability from three perspectives as evaluation index, parameter rationality and value of passenger time. Finally, the paper carries out political sensitive analysis with six group examinations. The proposed method can be used to assit traffic planning and policymaking or provide reference for implementing and adjusting operation strategy.


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