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- [21]金立强, 邢怀念, 刘增利, 李达, 孙凯, 李书卉, 张小鹏.某钢结构升船平台质量检测与荷载试验分析[J],设备管理与维修,2022,393:85-87
- [22]金立强, 张小鹏, 邢怀念, 刘增利, 李达.测定不同压强下材料静、动滑动摩擦系数的试验装置[J],军民两用技术与产品,2022,11:210-210,219
- [23]刘增利, 邢怀念, 张小鹏.Experimental investigation of non-linearity critical strain energy release rate for frozen soil[A],ICCET 2012,2022,256:101-107
- [24]刘增利, 李洪升, 邢怀念, 张小鹏.Experimental investigation of non-linearity critical strain energy release rate for frozen soil[A],2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (ICCET 2012),2022,256-259(PART 1):101-107
- [25]邢怀念, 张小鹏, 刘增利, 金立强.Test Study on Anti-sliding Coefficient of Friction-type High- strength Bolt Connectors[A],2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2012),2022,166-169:123-126
- [26]邢怀念, 张小鹏, 刘增利, 金立强.Test study on anti-sliding coefficient of friction-type high-strength bolt connectors[J],Applied Mechanics and Materials,2022,166(1):123-126
- [27]张小鹏, Zhang, Chengcheng, 邢怀念.Test Study on Fatigue Property for Forging and Casting Steels of Grade E[A],4th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2013),2022,712-715:82-86
- [28]张小鹏, 邢怀念.Test Study on Fatigue Property for Forging and Casting Steels of Grade E[J],Advanced materials research,2022,712(1):82-86
- [29]张小鹏, 邢怀念.Test study on fatigue property of sheet steels for automobile[A],Applied Mechanics and Materials,2022,107:1941-1945
- [30]张小鹏, Li, Ri Cheng, 邢怀念.Test Study on Fatigue Property of Sheet Steels for Automobile[A],International Conference on Vibration, Structural Engineering and Measurement (ICVSEM 2011),2022,105-107:1941-+
- [31]金立强, 张小鹏, 邢怀念, 刘增利, 李达.一种测定开口薄壁梁弯曲中心的试验装置[J],电子世界,2022,20:276-276,277
- [32]邢怀念, 张小鹏, 刘增利, 金立强.以实验为载体培养学生工程意识[J],教育教学与研究,2022,6:148-149
- [33]张小鹏, 邢怀念, 黄诚, 刘维波, lilun.冰煤断裂韧度的测试研究[J],冰川冻土,2022,25(4):461-464
- [34]刘增利, 李洪升, 邢怀念, 张小鹏.冻土非线性断裂韧度的修正因子测试方法[J],岩土力学,2022,3:908-912
- [35]张小鹏, 李达, 邢怀念.16×104m3LNG储罐罐顶气顶升工艺的计算分析[J],天然气工业,2022,6:89-91
- [36]张小鹏, 邢怀念, 金立强.A simple and sensitive method of monitoring crack and load in three-point bending fracture mechan...[J],appied mechanics and materials,2022,716(2):902-906
- [37]邢怀念, 张小鹏, 刘增利, 金立强.Design Analysis of Vertical Lathe Auxiliary Equipment for Large Pressure[J],Advanced materials research,2022,479(1):3-7
- [38]邢怀念, 张小鹏, 刘增利, 金立强.Design Analysis of Vertical Lathe Auxiliary Equipment for Large Pressure Vessel Processing[A],3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2012),2022,479-481:3-7
- [39]邢怀念, 张小鹏, 刘增利, 金立强.示范性实验教学体系建设的探索与尝试[J],科教导刊 上旬刊,2022,3:16-17
- [40]邢怀念.论熟能生巧理念在创新教学模式中的应用[J],科教导刊 上旬刊,2022,122:61-62