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Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2016-10-08
Included Journals:Scopus、EI、CPCI-S
Page Number:4706-4712
Key Words:Hydrate; Heavy metal; Wastewater treatment
Abstract:A novel hydrate-based method for treatment of wastewater containing heavy metal ion was proposed, and the effectiveness and feasibility of the method were demonstrated. A total of 90.82% of heavy metal ion was removed, up to 80.00% yield of pure water and a 1.8700 enrichment factor were obtained. The more appropriate wastewater-R141b effluent volume ratio is 5. Moreover, the results shown that the method might work better for higher concentration wastewater. These findings will be instructive for understanding the removal of heavy metal by hydrate-based technology, and this technology provides a supplement for conventional wastewater treatment technology. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.