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An Experimental Study on the Influence of CO2 containing N-2 on CO2 sequestration by X-ray CT scanning
Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2016-11-14
Included Journals:SCIE、EI、CPCI-S
Page Number:4119-4128
Key Words:CO2 containing N-2; impure CO2 stream; capillary number; X-ray CT; saturation distribution; temperature and pressure
Abstract:The CO2 stream to be transported and sealed in CCS project usually contains various impurities, and purifying the CO2 stream costs utmost in the CO2 capture and storage process. Co-sequestration of impurities with supercritical CO2 will decline the capture requirement. Few studies have discovered the impact on CO2 storage capacity at porous scale when remaining non-condensable gas in the CO2 stream such as N-2 which occupied a large proportion in flue gas stream. We performed comparison experiments between different N-2 proportion, capillary number, temperatures and pressures to discover preliminary research on the performance of CO2 containing N-2 by X-ray CT scanning. The 3-D saturation distributions implies the higher temperatures and pressures slightly increase the saturation and such gas flow will show priority at small scale heterogeneity for the same capillary number. Meanwhile when the N-2 proportion increase, the saturation will slightly promoted at high porosity region, and vice versa. However at the logCa=-7.5, the high N-2 percentage in CO2 stream at high temperature and pressure reveal strong assets among the whole porosity region. Under such conditions the saturation of gas mixture achieves relative high values and enhances the CO2 storage capacity. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.