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Indexed by:Journal Papers
Date of Publication:2015-06-26
Included Journals:SCIE、Scopus
Page Number:1197-1201
ISSN No.:0375-9601
Key Words:Nuclear magnetic resonance; Relaxation time; Diffusion coefficient; Mass transfer; n-Hexadecane
Abstract:In this study, we discuss the feasibility in computation of diffusion coefficient (D) using the longitudinal relaxation time T-1. CO2-n-hexadecane in pure solutions and in a porous medium was tested separately by measuring the T-1 of n-hexadecane at varying CO2 concentration (c). The relationship between T-1 and c was correlated. The results show that T-1 exponentially rises with the increase of c. Thus, we proposed the method to estimate D of CO2 using T-1 through the relationship above and Fick's law. We computed D from T-1 and compared this method with the traditional method. The two methods agree well with differences less than 10%. The new method is characterized by simpleness, convenience and flexibility, as it computes D with the only requirement of monitoring T-1. This new method will guide the use of nuclear magnetic resonance logging in in-field testing of CO2 diffusion and migration laws. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.