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Indexed by:Journal Papers
Date of Publication:2015-05-01
Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus
ISSN No.:0723-4864
Abstract:A clear understanding of two-phase flows in porous media is important for investigating CO2 geological storage. In this study, we conducted an experiment of CO2/brine flow process in porous media under sequestration conditions using X-ray CT technique. The flow properties of relative permeability, porosity heterogeneity, and CO2 saturation were observed in this experiment. The porous media was packed with glass beads having a diameter of 0.2 mm. The porosity distribution along the flow direction is heterogeneous owing to the diameter and shape of glass beads along the flow direction. There is a relationship between CO2 saturation and porosity distribution, which changes with different flow rates and fractional flows. The heterogeneity of the porous media influences the distribution of CO2; moreover, gravity, fractional flows, and flow rates influence CO2 distribution and saturation. The relative permeability curve was constructed using the steady-state method. The results agreed well with the relative permeability curve simulated using pore-network model.