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Energy and exergy efficiencies in the Chinese transportation sector, 1980-2009


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2011-02-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、SSCI



Page Number:770-776

ISSN No.:0360-5442

Key Words:Energy efficiency; Exergy efficiency; Chinese transportation sector

Abstract:This paper aims at analyzing energy and exergy efficiencies in the Chinese transportation sector. Historical data is used to investigate the development of efficiencies from 1980 to 2009. Firstly, we calculate energy consumption values in PJ (petajoule) for nine transportation modes of five transportation sub-sectors. Then, the weighted energy and exergy efficiencies for each transportation mode, calculated by multiplying weighting factors with efficiency values of that mode, are summed up to calculate the weighted mean overall efficiencies for a particular year. We find that: (1) In 2009, the energy consumed in transportation sector was 12179.80 PJ, whereas that was 589.25 PJ in 1980. (2) Highways transport was the biggest energy consumer, which consumed 82.0% of total transport energy consumption in 2009. (3) Up to 2009, the oil consumed by transportation accounted for 75.1% of that in the whole country, which is more than the net oil import. (4) The average overall energy and exergy efficiencies are found to be 21.22% and 19.95%, respectively. (5) A comparison with other countries showed that energy and exergy efficiencies of the Chinese transportation sector are slightly lower than those of Jordan, Malaysian, Saudi Arabian and Norwegian, and higher than that incurred in Turkish. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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